Health & Safety Policy



The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 places a legal duty on the Centre to prepare and, as often as may be appropriate, revise a written health and safety policy and to bring this and any subsequent revisions to the notice of all its employees.

The Safety Policy for the College contains details of the Centre’s policy on health safety and welfare at work of its learners, employees and other persons who may be affected by the Centre’s activities.

As required by the HSW Act, the document addresses three key areas: -

Part I contains the statement of intent. Signed and dated by the CEO and Group      Principal, and the Chair of the Board of Governors, this states our commitment to consider safety and health in all aspects of College activity.

Part II contains the management organisation for carrying out the Policy. This Part details the specific responsibilities of key roles. As the College moves forward in fulfilling its vision, organisational changes that have occurred since the previous Policy review are reflected here.

Part III contains the arrangements in place to ensure the responsibilities are discharged in practice, and that all statutory duties applicable to Centre activity are addressed. This Part lists some of the main arrangements, and refers to further procedures or policies, and where they are located.

Safety arrangements in place at each Centre continue to remain in place post vesting date.



Health and Safety is a major consideration in all aspects of the Centre’s activities.

In line with the Centre Strategic Plan, and in recognition of statutory duties, we aim to ensure a robust safety management system exists so that learners, employees and others affected by Centre activities remain healthy and safe.

This Safety Policy applies to all areas where Centre activity takes place and locations for which the Centre is responsible.

In particular, the Centre will ensure

  • That all places under its control are maintained in a safe condition without risk to health and safety, and that access to and exit from workplaces are safe and without risk;
  • That a safe and healthy working environment is provided, with adequate facilities and arrangements for employees’ and learners’ welfare;
  • That hazards arising from the use, handling, storage and transportation of articles and substances used in connection with work are adequately controlled; and
  • That plant and systems of work are safe and without risk to health.
  • That information, instruction, training and supervision is provided, so that learners and employees undertake their activities and responsibilities in a safe way.

The Centre would remind its employees of their legal duties under the Health and Safety at Work Act and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations to take care of their own health and safety and that of their fellow employees and learners and to co-operate with the Centre to enable this policy to be successfully implemented.


  • The health and safety at work of college employees; and learners or other persons who may be affected by College activities, or the condition of the facilities on its premises,
  • The Centre’s health and safety policy includes the organisation and arrangements for its effective implementation,
  • The health and safety policy and policy statement are reviewed regularly and, in any event, not less than once a calendar year,
  • Resources are made available
  1. (i)  to fulfil statutory requirements and prevent risk of injury to learners and employees,
  2. (ii)  to provide for improvements in the health, safety and welfare at work of its learners and employees,
  3. (iii)  to set strategies for developing employees’ health and well-being.

The Head of Health and Safety prepares and submits an annual progress report for the Governors. One or more Board members, acting as the lead Health & Safety Governors, attend and receive Minutes from Safety Committee meetings.

Responsibilities of the London Gas Training Centre

  • Receive recommendations for the development of the Centre’s health and safety policy and procedures from the Head of Health and Safety,
  • Oversee that appropriate responsibilities for health and safety are properly assigned and accepted at all levels,
  • Ensure that the we fulfil the Health and Safety responsibilities,
  • Determine the strategy and resources for the promotion of health and safety and personal wellbeing amongst the Centre learners / students and employees.
  • Ensure health and safety performance is monitored and a safe learning environment is provided for the learners / students.
  • Ensure that this policy is revised annually, and the subsequent revisions are brought to the attention of Centre employees.




Centre’s Arrangements

London Gas Training Centre are responsible for implementing this policy, In particular, they will;

  • Ensure Directors and Managers prepare and implement the necessary safety procedures for their area of work,
  • Bring these and any subsequent revisions to the attention of their staff and learners,
  • Co-ordinate centre wide health and safety issues,
  • Give and receive such assistance and information as is required by Health and Safety to ensure effective implementation of this policy.

Advise on the interpretation of legal requirements and measures necessary to ensure that the Centre meets its legal responsibilities,

  • Carry out annual reviews of this policy and associated documentation.
  • Develop policies and standards and communicate these as appropriate,
  • Develop the requirements for safe systems of work (including permit to work systems) and all aspects of accident prevention,
  • Lead at a corporate level liaison with trade union representatives on health and safety matters and facilitate the Health and Safety Committee,
  • Advise and assist Directors and Managers on the development and implementation of a risk assessment strategy. This will include developing a framework for self-assessment and monitoring health and safety performance,
  • Advise on emergency planning measures to facilitate safety of staff and learners and business continuity in the event of emergencies,
  • In conjunction with the Quality Department, devise and implement a Centre wide health and safety training programme,
  • Maintain copies of relevant regulations, standards and other advisory literature and disseminate these to employees as appropriate,
  • Assist Managers in assessing priorities and formulating proposals for improvements in health & safety performance.

Carrying out risk assessments and taking appropriate action to remove potential hazards or reduce the level of risk. This is with the support of the Health and Safety Manager,

  • Where appropriate, including health and safety in the teaching material and providing adequate instruction and supervision to enable learners to carry out their work safely,
  • Keeping abreast of changes in the Centre’s procedures and arrangements,
  • Receiving written reports from the Health and Safety Manager and to respond to these within the agreed time scale,
  • Monitoring the area under their control by carrying out local safety tours of their respective areas. This also includes responsibility for outreach centres where applicable,
  • Investigating accidents and near misses and taking steps to prevent recurrence. They must also report accidents to the Health and Safety Manager.
  • Ensuring their staff are aware of first aid arrangements, and learners are trained and supervised to use the equipment without risk to their health and safety,
  • Assessing training needs of both new and existing employees and arranging for the relevant training and providing training records.

Responsibilities of all employees

All employees have a legal duty;

  • To take reasonable care of their own health and safety and that of others, such as learners and colleagues, whilst at work,
  • To assess health and safety risks affecting their learners and provide them with instructions and supervision to carry out their tasks safely,
  • To seek advice from their manager when they are uncertain about the safety implications of the activities they organise for learners,
  • To co-operate with their manager to the extent that is necessary for them to fulfil their Health & Safety responsibilities,
  • Not to interfere with or misuse items provided for health and safety,
  • To use equipment or safety devices, in accordance with the training or instructions provided,
  • To inform the manager or the Centre Health and Safety Manager of situations, which they consider, to represent a danger to health and safety of themselves, learners or others,
  • To report accident/incidents to their manager immediately.


Safety Arrangements

Fire Precaution

These include arrangements for:

  • fire risk assessment,
  • evacuation, · provision and maintenance of fire related equipment fire detection and    extinguishers, fire signage), ·  record keeping.

First Aid Arrangements

The Centre has measures in place for provision of first aid support. These measures are detailed in a separate First Aid Procedures document.

Accidents Procedures

Arrangements for management of accidents and incidents that occur are in the main office.

Safety Training  

Safety training needs are identified by Directors, Managers. All training records are kept centrally. A separate Health & Safety Training Procedures document is in place.


Occupational Health Support

Arrangements are in place to provide occupational health support for all staff via an external organisation. This process is managed by the Director.


Arrangements are in place to ensure contractors are selected who are competent (i.e. have the appropriate skills, qualifications and experience for the work to be undertaken).

Risk Assessments

A crucial part of a good safety management system is hazard identification and risk management to ensure adequate control.


Visitors coming to Centre premises are greeted at Reception. The person(s) receiving the visitors are responsible for making sure they are aware of health and safety issues which may affect them. Arrangements in place are detailed in a separate Visitors Policy.

Other Arrangements

Where arrangements in respect of a particular type of workplace, machinery, equipment, material or other hazards, require a more detailed procedure to be developed, the necessary procedures are formulated at the Departmental level.