Complaints Policy
All staff at London Gas Training Centre take great pride in maintaining our excellent reputation and as an organisation we are committed to providing the highest levels of customer service.
We recognise that sometimes customers may feel dissatisfied with the service that they have received and will wish to complain. We encourage all forms of customer feedback, including complaints, and have developed this Policy together with a Complaints Procedure to ensure our system is accessible, fair and robust.
Complaints may be made by course candidates, apprentices, other training providers and relevant employers.
London Gas Training Centre will aim to resolve all complaints quickly and fairly, endeavouring to reach a successful outcome. We will:
- Ensure our complaints procedure is simple to follow
- Aim to put things right quickly and within published timescales.
- Maintain clear communication channels with our customers and provide a single point of contact.
- investigate any complaint fully and objectively
- Provide customers with a full explanation of our findings in their preferred format.
- Use customer feedback to inform change where our service has not met the high expectations of our customers and our Management team
The Directors and Management team are responsible for setting high expectations for all staff to deliver outstanding service to our customers. All staff will be expected to meet these expectations, and this will be monitored through our Performance Management System.
London Gas Training Centre will ensure that our Complaints Policy and Procedure is accessible by all customers. Copies will be available on our website, displayed throughout the training centre and will be communicated during course induction.
What is a complaint?
A complaint is when a customer informs us that they are not happy with the service that they have received or in the way that they have been treated. Complaints can be made before, during or after training/assessment programmes. Complaints may vary in type and nature and could include but not be limited to the following:
- The conduct and behaviour of a staff member fails to meet expectations
- The quality of the training programme fails to meet expectations.
- The course does meet the published aims and objectives
- A customer feels that they have been treated unfairly, without respect or have been discriminated against in any way
- A failure to provide a safe and secure training environment
Customer Complaints Procedure
We expect all course candidates, apprentices and employers to receive high levels of customer service, to be treated equitably and with respect. If you are unhappy with the service provided by London GasTraining Centre, we want you to tell us.
if you feel that an assessment decision has been unfair, or you disagree with an assessment grading you should follow our Appeals Procedure. Please contact our training team on 01525 00000555 for further information. For all other complaints please follow this procedure.
Stage One – informal
It often helps to raise a complaint straight away. If you feel able to do so, speak directly to the individual concerned or a Manager explaining your complaint and concerns. We would expect our team to deal with your concerns quickly and fully if they are able to do so. If your complaint is not addressed quickly and to your full satisfaction you should lodge a formal complaint as detailed in Stage Two.
Stage Two – Formal
Please submit a formal explanation of your complaint in writing (email or letter). Any complaint should be lodged within 3 months of the date of complaint occurring. The complaint should detail:
- Your details (name, address, contact number and email address)
- Training course or apprenticeship group attended
- Date(s) of occurrence
- Nature of the complaint, to include
- who was involved, who does your complaint concern, where were you and who else was present?
- specific and factual details
- why it was significant, inappropriate or unacceptable to you
- what would be an acceptable resolution to the complaint?
We will acknowledge all complaints within 3 working days. A record of all correspondence will be retained. The acknowledgement will detail who your single point of contact is for the complaint investigation and the timescale for the complainant to be notified of an outcome to their formal complaint.
Normally complaints are dealt with within 28 working days of Rebus Training acknowledging receipt.
At this stage, the complaint will be passed to a relevant Manager. They will seek to ascertain the key facts of the case and will speak to all parties concerned. Regardless of the outcome of the complaint, the Senior Manager will reply to the complainant detailing the action taken to investigate the complaint, any conclusions that were reached and any action taken as a result of the complaint.
Stage Three – Appeal
If the outcome from Stage Two is not acceptable to the complainant, they have a right to appeal against the outcome. Any appeal should be made within one month of receiving notification of the outcome of a Stage Two.
An Appeals Panel will be formed. This will typically consist of at least one Joint Managing Director and a Manager. These panel members will not have been involved with earlier stages of the appeal process.
We will acknowledge all appeals within 3 working days. The acknowledgement will name who the Lead for the Appeal Panel is and the timescale for the complainant to be notified of an outcome to their Appeal. Normally Appeals are dealt with within 28 working days of London Gas Training Centre acknowledging receipt.
As a customer focused provision Managers would expect to resolve all complaints at Stage One or Two. Complaints are reviewed as part of our Quality Management meetings to identify any trends which may indicate a need to take further action.
To contact any member of staff at London Gas Training Centre please use any of the following details:
London Gas Training Centre Ltd Tel: 0808 275 1444
West Leedon House Email:
Billington Road
Leighton Buzzard