Drugs & Alcohol Policy




This policy sets out the London Gas & Electrical Training Centre approach to drugs/ alcohol issues and the procedure for dealing with students suspected of using, possessing and /or dealing in drugs. All staff have a duty to ensure that all incidents related to drugs and alcohol are delt with promptly and rigorously.

We have a zero tolerance, for suspected drug / alcohol, if found the employer will be informed and if driving is involved the police will be informed.


Taking alcohol, drugs (including legal highs) and medicines may impair ‘students’ judgements and ability and put them and /or others at risk. This is especially pertinent where students are required to use equipment or potentially dangerous equipment. In all cases where students put themselves or others in a situation of potential danger, they should be instructed to stop work. Staff should follow the procedure and call the office & employer if they consider the situation dangerous.

 The purpose of the policy is to explain:

  • How to proceed id suspicious substances and / or equipment found.
  • How London Gas & Electrical Training Centre will proceed with individuals thought to be in possession of controlled drugs or alcohol.
  • The course(s) of action that may be taken.
  • The support of the London Gas & Electrical Training Centre and Safe guarding officer.


2 : How to proceed if suspicious substances and/or equipment are found.

2.1 : Alert a member of staff, via Reception who will remove any evidence of drug  use.

Do not attempt to remove needles, hypodermic syringes, swabs, etc. Any suspicious substances should be handed in to the office staff, who will liaise with the police over their disposal.

2.2 ; Contact the office staff to ensure the incident is logged in the ‘Substance Misuse Incident Log ‘within 24 hours of the incident.


2.3 : The office staff to ensure that any information which may assist the Police in informing them about patterns of behaviour and helps them identify and take action against dealers is passed to them.

Some possible indications of drug use include:

  • Remains of self-rolled cigarettes with small cardboard tube at one end – could indicate cannabis use.
  • Small squares of paper or polythene bags that may have contained amphetamine, cannabis or other drugs.
  • Bits of tin foil and / or spoons which may have been used to heat the drugs.
  • Empty cans of solvent, aerosol and plastic bags smelling of solvent-based glue.
  • Discarded needles, hypodermic syringe, swabs etc.


  1. How to proceed where students are thought to be using or in possession of a controlled drug or alcohol:

3.1 : Alert reception where possible, staff will confiscate any suspected controlled substance and/ or equipment found we will call the Police if the student requires a search.

3.2: Any suspicious substances should be handed in to the office who will liaise with the Police over their disposal.

3.3: Contact the office to ensure the incident is logged in the ‘Substance Misuse incident Log within 24 hours of the incident.

3.4 : Where there is no hard evidence of drug or alcohol possession by a student but student’s behaviour is such that London Gas & Electrical Training Centre staff suspect that he/she is under the influence of drugs and / or alcohol, the student should be asked to stop work and the issue discussed with them privately.

If, following this discussion, staff still suspect that the student is under the influence of a substance then they shall be suspended from the centre for the remainder, of the day and return to the centre on his/her next lesson, sober and fit for work, if the student is under the age of 18, the staff member should call the student’s parent/ carer or emergency contact and ask them to collect the student form the centre to ensure the student’s safety. Where this is judged not to be the case, the student’s emergency contact / next of kin should be contacted to collect the student.

3.5 :The office will investigate the incident and where appropriate invoke the  

3.6 : For under 18’s the office manager should broker a meeting with the student and his/her parents/carers prior to the student returning for study within the next session.

3.7 : If through staff discussion with the student and parent/carer, the student feels they have ongoing alcohol/and or drug issues which are effecting there life and studies, and they are ready to acknowledge and deal with these issues, the student can be referred to the centre’s counselling service for help. Young people aged under 18 can contact. Young people’s substance misuse service -0207 089 5050. Over 18’s can be referred or make a self-referral to Integrated Drug and Alcohol Service on 0208 3131 0727. For help with referrals contact the office.

4.0:  How to proceed if an individual is suspected of selling / supplying controlled drugs or alcohol.

This is a serious offence which the centre will not tolerate and students found selling/supplying drugs or alcohol may be excluded from the centre.