Appeals Policy and Procedures


  1. Purpose

The following details the procedure to follow when a candidate disagrees with assessment outcomes and wishes to appeal against the Assessor/Tutor’s decision.

  1. Responsibility

Overall responsibility lies with Directors.



  1. Procedure


If a candidate wishes to appeal against an assessment decision, there are four possible stages of appeal that the candidate can instigate.  These stages must be followed in sequential order:

Stage 1 - Appeal to the Assessor/Tutor

Where a learner disagrees with the assessment given, he/she must explain the reasons for this with the Assessor/Tutor, in written form, within five working days.  This will be recorded on the Assessment Appeal Form. The Assessor/Tutor will consider the student’s explanation and provide a response to the candidate in writing, within ten working days of receipt of the appeal.  This response will be recorded on the Assessment Appeals Form and will give a clear explanation of the assessment decision following re-evaluation of the evidence.

A record of the appeal will be retained by email

Stage 2 - Appeal to the Internal Quality Assurer/Moderator

Where a candidate disagrees with the decision at Stage 1, they should forward the Assessment Appeal Form to the Internal Quality Assurer/Moderator within seven working days.

The Internal Quality Assurer/Moderator will reconsider the assessment decision, which may involve evaluation of the candidate’s evidence, the Assessor’s rationale for the decision, the opinion of another Assessor and the opinion of the candidate. The Internal Quality Assurer/Moderator will provide the candidate with the reconsidered decision in writing within ten working days of receiving the appeal.  This decision will be recorded on the Assessment Appeal Form.  A copy will be retained in the Course Team Portfolio/Gradebook

Stage 3 - Appeal to Appeals Panel

Where a learner disagrees with the decision at Stage 2, the Assessment Appeal Form should be forwarded to the Head of Cluster.  The Head of Cluster will convene an Assessment Appeals Panel.  This will comprise of the following staff:

  • Assessor/ Tutor.
  • Internal Quality Assurer.


The appeals panel may wish to interview the learner by prior agreement. They may be accompanied by a family member/friend/fellow learner.  The panel must review all the evidence and reach a decision and inform the student within five working days of the panel meeting.

The decision will be recorded on the Assessment Appeals Form. 

Stage 4 - Appeal to Awarding Organisation

Where a learner disagrees with the decision at Stage 3, they have a right to appeal to the Awarding Organisation. The decision of the Awarding Organisation is final.

Please Note - all enquiries must be submitted through the office. The Awarding Organisations will not accept enquiries from candidates.