Safeguarding During COVID-19
London Gas Training Centre(LGTC) recognises that the COVID-19 pandemic has placed many families at risk of hardship. This is likely to impact on the physical and mental wellbeing of young people within the household. Safeguarding is paramount during this period of uncertainty and London Gas Training Centre will ensure that all staff are aware of the additional risks faced by young people and the increased likelihood of suffering harm.
LGTC will ensure that all staff read the DfE’s guidance on Safeguarding during COVID-19 and understand their responsibilities, specifically;
- Reflecting that staff and volunteers may identify new safeguarding concerns about individual young people as they see them in person following partial centre closures
- What staff and volunteers should do if they have any concerns about a young person, including new concerns where young people are returning to centre.
- The continued importance of all staff and volunteers acting and acting immediately on any safeguarding concerns, including new concerns where young people are returning to centres.
- Reflecting (where resources allow) that DSLs (and deputies) will have more time to support staff and young people regarding new concerns (and referrals as appropriate) as more young people return.
- Reflecting the importance of ensuring relevant safeguarding and welfare information held on all young people (including returning young people
- Accurate the DSL should be doing all they reasonably can to ask parents and carers to advise them of any changes regarding welfare, health and wellbeing that they should be aware of before a young person returns .
- DSL (and deputy) arrangements to ensure increased cover if required.
- Peer on peer abuse - given the different circumstances colleges and training providers are operating in, a revised process may be required for managing any report of such abuse and supporting victims.
- what staff and volunteers should do if they have concerns about a staff member or volunteer who may pose a safeguarding risk to young people.
- The approach to protecting vulnerable young people.
- what arrangements are in place to keep young people not physically attending the centre.
- safe, especially online and how concerns about these young people should be progressed
- Any updated advice received from the local safeguarding partners. DSLs (or deputies) should be considered and shared with staff as appropriate
- Any updated advice received from local authorities regarding young people with education, health and care (EHC) plans, the local authority designated officer and young people’s social care, reporting mechanisms, referral thresholds and young people in need.
- The continued importance for LGTC to work with and support young people’s social workers. The local authority virtual school head for looked-after and previously looked-after young people and any other relevant safeguarding and welfare partners.
It is important that all staff and volunteers are aware of this appendix to the policy and are kept up to date as it is further revised. This appendix should be published alongside the policy.